Tuesday, 24 December 2013

Natural forms

This post shows the development of an earlier project of mine where I studied natural forms. The first piece is a pencil observational study of a flower. It was a a very time-consuming process involving precise consideration with both pencil and eraser to create natural looking areas of light and shade.

Pencil Observation - A2 paper

These two pieces are design developments from the previous observation. The first by selecting an area of the observation and layering it in the form of a Lino Print. The second piece is an extension of this by using a range of mark making techniques on each 'leaf' of the observation. This gives the piece a high amount of range in texture through the varied use of media and experimental processes.

Lino Print from Observation - 10 inch x 7 inch

Collage of Mark-Making from Observation - A2 paper

This was the final piece of this project. A ceramic form made with Raku clay using a coil technique. The on-lay is used to create the image of leaves overlapping one another which I gained inspiration for from the earlier observation. I used an iron oxide before it was fired for a final time to create the medium browns of the main body and the dark brown of the on-lay. 

Raku clay Ceramic Pot - 18 inch height, 12 inch diameter

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